How fast can you Spacebar ?

You might use it for typing and gaming purpose and maybe you wondering how fast can you press your spacebar ?? I found this site accidentally on the web where you can test your speed. Here's the rules. First select a time (5 , 10, or 20 seconds), see how many times you can hit the spacebar button within the time given and try to beat the high score. Might look easy till you try it though. So what are you waiting for? Try it here. Good luck!!

*My personal best for 10 seconds is only 72.. hehe, think you can beat me huh??
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10 Facts About The Internet You Should Know (Pt 1)

You probably use it every day but how well do you know your Internet? Ever wonder how all this foolishness got started in the first place and why? How big it really is? Here are 20 facts you might or might not want to know about the Internet.

1. Who coined the phrase 'World Wide Web'?
Tim Berners-Lee in 1990. He's also considered by most people as the person who started the whole thing rolling.

2. How did the Internet Start and Why?
It all started with the time-sharing of IBM computers in the early 1960s at universities such as Dartmouth and Berkeley in the States. People would share the same computer for their
computing tasks. The Internet also received help from Sputnik! After this Russian Satellite was launched in 1957, President Eisenhower formed ARPA to advance computer networking and communication. Plus, we won't even mention that whole industry where people show their naughty bits.

3. Who was J.C.R. Licklider?
Licklider is often referred to as the father of the Internet because his ideas of interactive computing and a "Galactic Network" were the seeds for the Internet. His ideas would be developed thru DARPA,(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1962.
Later he would help form ARPANET and the Internet was on it's way. Vinton Gray Cerf was another founding father of the Internet. He played a key role in the creation of the Net by developing the TCP/IP protocols we use for the Internet.

4. What was ARPANET?
ARPANET stands for 'Advanced Research Projects Agency Network' Came about in the arena of Sputnik and the cold war. The military needed a method of communicating and sharing all the information on computers for research and development. It would also be a handy communication system if all traditional ways were wiped out in a nuclear attack!

5. What was the First long distance Connection?
In 1965 using a low speed dial-up telephone line, MIT researcher Lawrence G. Roberts working with Thomas Merrill, connected the TX-2 computer in Massachusetts to the Q-32
in California. The phone lines weren't quite up to the task!

6. Who was Leonard Kleinrock?
Kleinrock came up with the theory of packet switching, the basic form of Internet connections. With a group of UCLA graduate students on Oct. 29, 1969, Kleinrock
connected with the Stanford Research Institute but as they typed in the G in LOGIN -- the system crashed!

7.What is an Ethernet?
It's a protocol or system for a set of computer networking technologies for local area networks (LANs), the origins of which came from Bob Metcalfe's Harvard's dissertation on "Packet Networks."

8. When was the first mouse introduced?
The first computer mouse was introduced in 1968 by Douglas Engelbart at the Fall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco.

9. Did Al Gore really invent the Internet?
No, but give credit where credit is due. He did the most of any elected official to actively promote the Internet. However, he wasn't even in Congress when ARPANET was formed in 1969 or even when the term 'Internet' came into use in 1974. Gore was
first elected in 1976.

Gore himself may be the cause of this Urban Legend or Internet myth - during a Wolf Blitzer CNN interview on March 9, 1999 - Al Gore did say: "During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Causing himself some ridicule but also paving the way for such future one-liners as: "I invented the environment!"

10. Who coined the phrase 'information superhighway'?
Wikipedia says Nam June Paik coined the phrase "information superhighway" in 1974.
Al Gore popularized the phrase in the early 1990's.

There's another 10 Facts more. Watch this space!!
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Are you are still smoking?

The video below is showing the process of extracting Tar from 400 Cigarettes. Each one contains 18 mgr, so in the end this guy extracted 7200 mgr of these highly toxic chemicals found in these cigarettes. So, you are still smoking?

1. Get Ready
  • Set a quit date.
  • Change your environment.
    1.Get rid of ALL cigarettes and ashtrays in your home, car, and place of work.
    2.Don't let people smoke in your home.
  • Review your past attempts to quit. Think about what worked and what did not.
  • Once you quit, don't smoke. NOT EVEN A PUFF!

2. Get Support and Encouragement

Studies have shown that you have a better chance of being successful if you have help. You can get support in many ways:

  • Tell your family, friends, and co-workers that you are going to quit and want their support. Ask them not to smoke around you or leave cigarettes out.

  • Talk to your health care provider (for example, doctor, dentist, nurse, pharmacist, psychologist, or smoking counselor).

  • Get individual, group, or telephone counseling. The more counseling you have, the better your chances are of quitting. Programs are given at local hospitals and health centers. Call your local health department for information about programs in your area.

3. Learn New Skills and Behaviors

  • Try to distract yourself from urges to smoke. Talk to someone, go for a walk, or get busy with a task.

  • When you first try to quit, change your routine. Use a different route to work. Drink tea instead of coffee. Eat breakfast in a different place.

  • Do something to reduce your stress. Take a hot bath, exercise, or read a book.

  • Plan something enjoyable to do every day.

  • Drink a lot of water and other fluids.

4. Get Medication and Use It Correctly

Medications can help you stop smoking and lessen the urge to smoke.

  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved five medications to help you quit smoking:
    1.Bupropion SR- Available by prescription.
    2.Nicotine gum- Available over-the-counter.
    3.Nicotine inhaler- Available by prescription.
    4.Nicotine nasal spray- Available by prescription.
    5.Nicotine patch- Available by prescription and over-the-counter.

  • Ask your health care provider for advice and carefully read the information on the package.

  • All of these medications will more or less double your chances of quitting and quitting for good.

  • Everyone who is trying to quit may benefit from using a medication. If you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, nursing, under age 18,
    smoking fewer than 10 cigarettes per day, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor or other health care provider before taking medications.

5. Be Prepared for Relapse or Difficult Situations

Most relapses occur within the first 3 months after quitting. Don't be discouraged if you start smoking again. Remember, most people try several times before they finally quit. Here are some difficult situations to watch for:

  • Alcohol. Avoid drinking alcohol. Drinking lowers your chances of success.

  • Other Smokers. Being around smoking can make you want to smoke.

  • Weight Gain. Many smokers will gain weight when they quit, usually less than 10 pounds. Eat a healthy diet and stay active. Don't let weight gain distract you from your main goal, quitting smoking. Some quit-smoking medications may help delay weight gain.

  • Bad Mood or Depression. There are a lot of ways to improve your mood other than smoking.

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